About us
We Are a Dynamic Family.
Welcome to the Nkah Nikwi Ni Mankon website which provides you with valuable information, updates and an opportunity to partner with a women’s based organization that has invested great efforts since 1986 in empowering less privileged women and the girl-child in our communities.
Since creation, Nkah Nikwi has recognized that women and girls in rural communities of Cameroon continue to constitute the most vulnerable in the face of abject poverty. This is due to prevailing traditional systems with discriminatory practices as seen in high illiteracy rate and abuse. This situation is further compounded by the increasing state of civil unrest in Cameroon and neighboring countries that target women and the girl child from extremely poor communities.
Active Members
Goal $2.8 Million
Program Areas
Nkah Nikwi Ni Mankon is focused on four major area of community development.
- Community Development
- Women Empowerment
- Medical Help
- Education
Our Campaigns
Past Projects
The Association is focused and involved in several community development projects.
Nkah Nikwi Ni Mankon supports the water project of the Ntingkag Health Center.
Our Presidents
Below is a list of our Committed presidents who have guided the association from creation till Date.
Marielda Samba
Miriam Mbah
Julie Nkwende
Diana M. Chendi
2013 - 2021
Mercy Bih Angu
Never Miss Anything