Our History

Our History

We Are The Women of Light

NKAH NI NKWI NI MANKON (Women of Light) is a female apolitical, nonprofit, Non-Governmental Association with registration number E.29/1111/Vol.7/764/APP. The Association was created in 1986 with 26 women of Mankon origin in attendance. The head office is fixed in Mankon, NorthWest Region of Cameroon.

The main objective of the Nkah Nikwi Ni Mankon is to improve the livelihood of women and girls living in abject poverty in our communities.

The area of jurisdiction covers the National Territory of the Republic of Cameroon and the Diaspora. Today Nkah Nikwi has grown in leaps and bounds with a membership of 314 women:  6 branches in Cameroon and 3 in the diaspora, specifically in Mankon Bamenda, Yaounde, Douala, Buea, Kumba, Limbe, DMV Maryland, DC Metro and Minnesota.

At its creation, Nkah Nikwi adopted the motto: Love, Unity, Self-Reliance, and development. Our vision to improve livelihood by breaking the chain of poverty in under privileged families in our communities has scored remarkable success for the past 35 years.  We have consistently supported our target groups with scholarships, trainings, donations and counseling through our education, health, and human rights programs. The construction of our beautiful empowerment center on the hill of Ngomgham Mankon, Bamenda, hosts these trainings and other events which fall within our objectives.

 The funding of these projects has been exclusively from members, patrons, and friends of the association.